Meeting Minutes: Pomodoro Timer First Brainstorm

Meeting Topic: Brainstorming


Attendance List

  1. Jack Storm
  2. Jim Carty
  3. Sharon Carter
  4. Bess Moss

Meetings Agenda:

Things that were unfinished from last meeting

Person In Charge has not been appointed yet.

Things that are new that need to be talked about

Project timeline for developing and releasing Pomodoro Timer

Meeting Summary

What is pomodoro timer?

According to this online blog, the Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.

The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. The technique is named after the tomato timer that Cirillo used as a child. Developers in FAANG use this technique to maintain focus.

What is Pomodoro Timer
Pomodoro Technique

What should pomodoro timer have?

For the sound, it is decided to use this audio:

Alarm Audio

Here is also a comment from some of the attendance:

Jack Storm

I love it, it brings a sense of alert to us.

Sharon Carter

Oh yeah, this is awesome

Pomodoro Timer Reference

We found some of the Pomodoro Timer reference from the following websites:

Paymo Pomodoro Timer

Meeting's Recording

Meeting Mindmap
Meeting Whiteboard

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